If you’re here because you followed Forgotten Minnesota, you already know this. But in case you’re new here, there’s something you should know about me. I love cemeteries.
It’s very rare for me to drive by one and not stop. Especially if it’s a small one that I can walk through without taking too much time. I have a lot of them mapped, but I stumble across one that I didn’t know existed once in a while. I almost missed this one as I was driving from point A to point B.
The land for the Soldiers and Sailors Cemetery in Hastings was purchased by Peller Post 89 of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1905. It was used for the burial of soldiers and sailors of the Spanish American War and the Civil War and their families between 1869 (grave believed to predate the cemetery) until 1955.

We can see graves for John and Rebecca Pitcher — John served in the Second Minnesota Cavalry during the Civil War. His obituary says that three generations of Pitchers fought in the war — this John Pitcher, his son John, and his grandson John.

We also find Charles and Mary Hardy here. Charles also served in the Civil War. He was with the Second Minnesota Infantry when he was wounded on the second day of fighting (September 19, 1863) during the Battle of Chickamauga.

Then there’s Civil War veteran Harrison Cook. Harrison was a corporal in Company B, 41st United States Colored Infantry. His wife and two daughters are buried alongside him.
There are nine marked graves here, but several unmarked graves are likely as well. Like with so many other older cemeteries, it’s a good idea to walk through here with reverence.