Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church of Darling


Happy accidents. That’s sometimes how I find some of my favorite places to share with you. I happened to stop in Randall because I’d seen a photo of a co-op creamery. I found it without much trouble and snapped a few photos. Then I decided to drive around town a bit to see what Randall-ites get up to. Apparently, they move old churches closer to the people who worship in them.

A few of my Forgotten Minnesota followers helped me find info on this pretty Gothic-style church. It was once the Swedish Evangelical Mission Church of Darling. Established in 1932, the church was initially constructed on three acres of property in Darling. Nearly one acre of that property was set aside to be used as a cemetery. 

As the population of Darling dwindled over the following decade, church officials decided to dismantle the church and move it to Randall, where many of the congregation lived. It was moved to this lot in the residential area of town in 1944. 

The church operated in Randall until the mid-1960s. The corner lot and church building were sold to a private party in 1975. It looks like it’s used for storage now — two large garage doors have been cut into the side of the old church, thankfully sparing the pretty gothic windows.

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