The Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church in Wilton, North Dakota, was built in 1913. Church members were made up of immigrants who came to the area from the Galicia region spanning what is now southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. They worked in the mines near Wilton.

Before the church was built, members gathered in homes while they saved money to construct a permanent place to worship. Many members contributed to the construction and decoration of the church. Several contributed icons they brought with them from their homeland.
When completed, the church featured a traditional look with three onion-shaped domes of metal that sat on top of octagonal wooden barrels. On top of each dome was a small spherical base with a Russian tri-barrel cross reaching toward the sky. Each onion-shaped dome sat atop the three pyramidal sections of the roof, one over the bell tower, one over the nave, and the other over the apse.

The Holy Trinity Church was the first of only three Ukrainian Greek Orthodox churches in the state. Because of this, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. The other two churches were Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Belfield (built 1917, still standing) and Saint Pokrova (built 1914, demolished) near Killdeer.
You can find the church at Bismarck Avenue and Sixth Street.